Remise en service de la hvac

Remise en service de la hvac - 100920-02 A -=-=-=-

Remise en service de la hvac
Appel d'offre  Entreprise de Thalassothérapie Sidi Fredj Dztenders
Published by:
Entreprise de Thalassothérapie Sidi Fredj

ID: 328439 - 46319 Expired
Type: National consultation
Region: Algiers
Publication date: 02/04/2023
Due date: 21/04/2023 (*)
Construction qualifications: 3 or more
(*) The expiration dates are calculated for information only; from the first publication date in the written press. Please confirm these dates with the announcer.
Specifications price : 5000.00 DA
withdrawal Address of the specifications :
Centre de Thalassothérapie sis Sidi Fredj Staouli Alger
Dztenders elmoudjahid.jpg Appel d'offre Entreprise de Thalassothérapie Sidi Fredj Remise en service de la hvac
Dztenders alcha3b.jpg Appel d'offre Entreprise de Thalassothérapie Sidi Fredj Remise en service de la hvac
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