Acquisition des matières premières et composants en 10 lots

Acquisition des matières premières et composants en 10 lots 01/2022 102991-911 A -=-=-=-

Acquisition des matières premières et composants en 10 lots
Appel d'offre  ELECTRO-INDUSTRIE Entreprise des Industries Electrotechniques Dztenders
Published by:
ELECTRO-INDUSTRIE Entreprise des Industries Electrotechniques

ID: 311569 - 73655 Expired
Type: National and International Call for Tenders
Region: Tizi-Ouzou
Publication date: 05/12/2022
Due date: 24/12/2022 (*)
(*) The expiration dates are calculated for information only; from the first publication date in the written press. Please confirm these dates with the announcer.
withdrawal Address of the specifications :
Direction d'approvisionnements/Service prospection homologation EPE/ ELCTRO- INDUSTRIS/ SPA rn 12 - bp 17 azazga - 15300 - Tizi-ouzou
Dztenders SoirdAlgerie.jpg Appel d'offre ELECTRO-INDUSTRIE Entreprise des Industries Electrotechniques Acquisition des matières premières et composants   en 10 lots
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